Monday, May 25, 2009

(Untuk Peminat Final Fantasy) FFXIII Showing at E3, Huge Posters in LA and US Release Window

Square Enix members has finally had an update which shows the construction of some huge Final Fantasy XIII advertisements in LA, GTA style. The posters clearly read "COMING 2010", which was fairly predictable. This also a nod towards an appearance at E3 and according to their post, they have "big things" planned. To quote: Vanille, Snow, and Lightning from FINAL FANTASY XIII! Oh yes we did. A beauty, isn't it? We've been anxiously waiting for this day for months now, and to watch it finally materialize is a great feeling to say the least.

These photos were taken a few days ago, but it is now completed. If you're in the area, we suggest you go to the corner of S. Figueroa Street and Olympic Boulevard in Downtown Los Angeles, and look up. You really have to see it for yourself.